Geotechnical Capabilities
With substantial in-house expertise and equipment, some of which is bespoke, we are able to help you plan and execute geotechnical site investigation surveys in such a way as to achieve your objectives, safely, to standard, in budget and on time.
We have the capability to acquire marine geotechnical data up to 20m below seabed in water depths of up to 3000m using a range of equipment including seabed penetrometers (CPTs), vibrocorers, piston corers, box corers and clam shell grabs as well as a full range of smaller environmental grabs & trawls. For our full range of geotechncial equipment visit our equipment hire page
We have our own reliable and experienced team of marine geotechnical surveyors & technicians to operate and maintain all geotechnical sampling & coring equipment which can be deployed either from our own dedicated survey vessel MV Flatholm, or from a third party vessels.
CMS GeoScience offers a complete stand alone service to support marine geotechnical surveys & seabed sampling operations anywhere in the world with our range of heavy duty, rugged vibrocorers & CPT's, all of which are easily transportable to third party vessels around the world.

Our Equipment:
High Powered Vibrocorers​
Datem 5000 CPT
​Environmental Grabs ​
Piston Corer​
Box Corer​
Gravity Corer​
CT Winch

Get in Touch
Falmouth Office: Marine House, Falmouth Marina
North Parade, Falmouth, Cornwall ,TR11 2TD
+44 (0) 1326 531604