CMS GeoScience is one of the leading marine geotechnical survey companies offering CPT site investigation services around the globe. We own and operate our own Datem Neptune 5000 CPT providing accurate, reliable and cost effective solutions in a wide range of seabed investigation projects.
The system utilises 5cm2 or 10cm2 digital Piezocones, including
T-bar, ball cone and dissipation tests to penetration depths of up to 20m* below the seabed (depending on ground conditions) With real-time data capture and control from the topside vessel the system allows highly accurate evaluation of the subsoil stratigraphy and geotechnical & geo-environmental properties of the seabed.
The Neptune 5000 CPT benefits from an innovative design comprising rods & drum creating a compact and modular system that can be easily deployed from smaller and more cost effective vessels.
CMS GeoScience operates its own 24m survey vessel, MV Flatholm, which is unique in its class because of its manoeuvrability and lifting capacity and which has consistently out performed larger survey vessels in both efficiency, speed and cost, proving the outstanding performance of both the Datem Neptune 5000 CPT and the MV Flatholm working together as a flexible survey solution.
Related Services:
Sediment Sampling
Contaminate Analysis
GeoScience Consultancy
Geotechnical Equipment Hire
Vessel Charter
Advantages of using the Datem 5000 CPT system:
Detailed sediment profiling at an average of 100m per day
Real-time data allowing on-site quality control and monitoring
Suited to sampling of clays, soft soils, silts, sand & mining minerals
Easily deployed from smaller survey vessels improving cost efficiency
A frame deployment and retrieval improves speed of sample recovery
Easily transportable by freight shipment around the globe.

Get in Touch
Falmouth Office: Marine House, Falmouth Marina
North Parade, Falmouth, Cornwall ,TR11 2TD
+44 (0) 1326 531604