Boosting Mental Health
A lasting legacy of the pandemic is the shift towards working from home which, for many companies, has now become the norm. We have always been particularly concerned about how the younger generation, who are just starting their careers cope when they find themselves working at home alone, with none of the interaction & support they would find in the office environment. The problem was highlighted to us when some of our own team members were getting increasingly concerned about the mental health of their partners who were struggling with the impact of lone working at home. So we set up some "hot desks" in the office for their partners to come in and work whenever they felt the need for some company and people around them. It works well for so many reasons – they feel better and we can see them smiling and laughing, but also our own team members can stop worrying about their partners and in turn they feel happier about being at work. It’s a simple thing and it has slotted in really well here with benefits for everyone and the whole team seeming happier and lifted as a result. #team #people #mentalhealth #workingfromhome #work #caringforothers #thinkingdifferently
